Getting 8 to 10 private clients a week really helps pay the bills as a yoga teacher. Learn how to customize yoga flows for individuals.
In this course you will learn how to teach private yoga lessons. As a yoga teacher this will be one of the biggest ways you make a steady income so it is important that you handle it well. The sequences you learn in training need to be modified for an individuals needs. This is an important lesson.
Physical Exam
In the physical exam you are asked to demonstrate how to identify the needs of your private and keep them as a steady client.
Written Exam
The written exam consists of multiple choice related to teaching masterful privates.
Teaching Methodology: 25 hours
Minimum contact hours: 15 hours
Minimum contact hours w/ Lead Trainer(s): 10 hours
Level 1 course: 5 hours contact plus 5 hours required non contact
Level 2 course: 10 hours contact plus 10 hours required non contact