Where Is the Sartorius?
The sartorius muscle is the longest muscle in the human body.
What are the Symptoms of a Sartorius strain or tear?
A Sartorius muscle strain or tear will cause pain across the front of the hip and radiate down to the inside of the knee.
Pain and weakness will occur when turning the leg outward or lifting the leg.
Sitting with legs up and crossed for long periods of time will cause a dull achy pain in the Sartorious muscle.
What is The Function of the Sartorius?
Lifts the leg up (Flexes)
Lifts the leg sideways (abducts)
Turns the leg outwards (Laterally rotates)
Origin and Insertion of Sartorius
Anterior Super iliac spine and wee bit below.
anteromedial surface of the upperĀ tibia in the pes anserinus.
Fact: Did you know the Sartorious muscle is the longest muscle in the body.