Vinyasa Yoga Quiz What is the definition of Vinyasa? A way in which the fingers touch Is a chakra that produces energy Sitting for long periods of time cross legged Linking of body movement with breath None Study The Video Below Why is there a little hop into a lunge before stepping forward to the forward bend? The right arm gets in the way You always hop in before the step forward It unites motion with breath and allows a better transition It replaces the need for Warrior 1 None What is the hardest transition in the sequence shown? The step back After Deep Crescent Pose where you step forward Into Cobra pose because it's often hard to Inhale Into the forward bend at the beginning None Study the Vinyasa Below Why is there an inhale on the step forward before Triangle Pose? (Usually everyone exhales on the step forward) It's a wrong method in yoga sequencing It is easier than exhalation The Leg has more space to step between the hands It sets up a nice exhale into Triangle pose. None What is the hardest part of this sequence? The part where you go into Warrior 2 pose The Deep Lunge to the standing forward bend at the end The leg lift in Downward Dog The transition from One Leg Downward Dog into the Hip Stretch None Study this flow This is an unusual transition why do you think it was added? Only experts do this step back because it's dangerous It blended well with the hip openers The hamstring has to be stretched like this after Hip Openers Reverse Triangle to Chair pose is an easy transition None Be sure to click Submit Quiz to see your results! Time's up