When the breathing is steady the mind gives this reflection.
When the breathing is unsteady the mind gives this reflection.
Therefore the breathing should be controlled.
Hatha Yoga Pradipika Chapter 2 Verse 2 by Swami Svatmarama
When the breathing is unsteady the mind gives this reflection.
Therefore the breathing should be controlled.
Hatha Yoga Pradipika Chapter 2 Verse 2 by Swami Svatmarama
"Thank you for clarifying the art of pranayama,
the winds of prana have removed the clouds in my mind.
My heart felt blessings to you my guru."
Dedicated to B.K.S Iyengar
Learn Pranayama
What is pranayama?
How to Sit in pranayama
Inhalation (Pūraka)
Exhalation (Rechaka)
Antara Kumbhaka
Bahya Kumbhaka
Hand Clasp
Breathing For Anxiety
Breath Cycle

Antara Kumbhaka

Types of Pranayama
Ujjayi pranayama
Nādi Śodhana pranayama
Kapalabhati pranayama
Bhastrika pranayama
Aum pranayama
Nirvana pranayama
Svana pranayama
Viloma pranayama
Anuloma pranayama
Pratiloma pranayama
Bhramari pranayama
Murchha pranayama
Plavinī pranayama
Sūrya Bhedana pranayama
Chandra Bhedana pranayama
Visamavrtti pranayama
Samavrtti pranayama
Śītalī pranayama
Śītakārī pranayama

Aum pranayama

Pratiloma pranayama

Sūrya Bhedana pranayama

Samavrtti pranayama

Bandhas in Pranayama
Breathing Techniques
Download free pranayama audio mp3's on all the different breathing exercise
techniques. Listen to them on your mp3 player as you practice. When a breathing technique
has been practiced for a significant amount of time play the next.
Mix many different breathing exercises and practice them.
techniques. Listen to them on your mp3 player as you practice. When a breathing technique
has been practiced for a significant amount of time play the next.
Mix many different breathing exercises and practice them.
Based on a book by B.K.S Iyengar
Light on Pranayama: The Yogic Art of Breathing
Every Practitioner should have a copy. Order Now and add it to your library!